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Belt Aid for Visualy Impaired Person

Blind people facing several problems in their life, one of these problems that is the most important one is detection the obstacles when they are walking. Their life is full of risk, they can’t walk without help from others, their life depends upon others. One of the alternative device for the visually impaired is to use an ultrasonic sensor combined with Arduino Uno and designed like wearing a belt. Overall this device is divided into three parts, input, process, output. Input consist of ultrasonic sensor as signal transmitter and receiver, Arduino uno act as a data processor from ultrasonic sensor, then the output consist buzzer and motor vibrating. Using this belt aid, a visually impaired person can walk without anyone’s help, the belt aid for visually impaired, automatically detect the obstacle in front of the person and give a response to the person by vibrating and also a warning sound.”

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