Content for VHDL


VHDL (VHSIC-HDL) (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable gate arrays and integrated circuits. VHDL can also be used as a general purpose parallel programming language.

Forth computing system

“A Forth CPU and System on a Chip, based on the J1, written in VHDL This project implements a small stack computer tailored to executing Forth based on the J1 CPU. The processor has been rewritten in VHDL from Verilog …

The NEO430 Processor

“A tiny (really tiny!) msp430-native microcontroller-like processor system written in platform independent VHDL There is a pretty gap in the landscape of open-source soft-core processors between the tiny 8-bit processors and the chunky 32-bit ones. So I decided to fill …

7-Segment LED Display Hardware and VHDL Module for MiniZed

“Actual PWM duty cycle on 7-segment LED display, driven by hardware (PL) and controlled by software (PS). This project was created for the MiniZed Motor Control Build Challenge and the final application was built on the Mini But Mighty project …

“The Thing”: FPGA + STM32

“An homemade FPGA board with an Arduino STM32, “Multicomp” compatible Two dev boards into one: a STM32 based Arduino (“Maple Mini” compatible) and a Cyclone II FPGA dev. board to start playing with VHDL/Verilog. It is also “Multicomp” compatible …

Lattice Ice40 Ultra Plus FPGA: Gnarly Grey Upduino - Tutorial 1: The Basics

“Long time no post! Now that’s out of the way… As ever, I’m always on the search for cheap electronics and this board is nearly mind blowing given both the price and form factor you can get it …

Simplifying VHDL Code: The Std_Logic_Vector Data Type

“This article will review the “std_logic_vector” data type which is one of the most common data types in VHDL. In a previous article on the VHDL hardware description language, we discussed the basic structure of VHDL code through several introductory …

Project  Minesweeper


“For our CPE 133 final project, Chase and I decided to create a Minesweeper game that utilized button and switch input from a Basys-3 board as well as VHDL code. A better name for the game could very well be …

VHDL Stopwatch

“This is a tutorial on how to make a stopwatch using VHDL and a FPGA circuit board, like a Basys3 Atrix-7 Board. The stopwatch is able to count from 00.00 seconds to 99.99 seconds. It uses two buttons …

MCPU - Minimal CPU for a 32 Macrocell CPLD

“MCPU is a minimal cpu aimed to fit into a 32 Macrocell CPLD - one of the smallest available programmable logic devices. While this CPU is not powerful enough for real world applications it has proven itself as a valuable educational …

DIY Persistence of Vision Game Display

“Are you bored of your regular displays? Have you got a innovative idea for a game? Have you got a soldering station or somebody to help you with one? Well you are in luck, because with this instructable you will …