Content for S8050


The UTC S8050 is a low voltage high current small signal NPN transistor, designed for Class B push-pull audio amplifier and general purpose applications.

DIY Thermal Camera

“DIY Thermal Camera: Build your Own Infrared Imaging Device with ESP32 and MLX90640 Sensor Ditch X-ray vision, thermal cameras are the real industrial superheroes! They don’t just see light, they see heat, making them masters of uncovering hidden energy …

Tesla Battery Charge Reminder

“Arduino Nano or ATTiny85 sounds a buzzer if the Tesla is in the garage for more than 30 minutes without being plugged in. I built this project because my wife and I sometimes forget to plug in our Tesla after …

Giant 555 Timer

“A Working Replica of the classic 555 timer made using discrete components A fully functional replica of the classic 555 timer made using discrete through hole components which include only basic jellybean components like (to - 92) BJTs , 1/4Watt resistors …

YouTube Subscriber Counter

“I always wanted a YouTube Subscriber Counter that look good and clean. With the availability of e-paper displays for hobbyists like us, this idea became a reality and I’ve seen many people doing it, but I want to take …

A Mini Multi FM Transmitter - Duo

“Any techie or electronics nut who knows his/her stuff is always mesmerized by FM audio transmissions. The way it works and how basic it actually is, is something worthy of applaud. Even though it was initially implemented in 1933 …