“1 Watt FM Transmitter amplifier with a reasonably balanced design specified to boost a RF frequency in the 88 – 108 MHz spectrum. It may be considered a fairly sensitive configuration when used with quality RF power amplifier transistors, trimmers and …
“This is a good quality FM transmitter with 5km range and stable frequency brought by the modified oscillator, which is actually two oscillators built around Q2 and Q3 working at around 50MHz in anti-phase. The output is taken at the …
“If you want your tiny FM transmitter circuit to transmit music instead of spying or eavesdropping, you would probably find the following design interesting. The proposed FM transmitter will allow combining a stereo input simultaneously from the source so that …
“Learn to build your own mini FM transmitter. This fun project will show you how to build a mini broadcasting device that can transmit an audio signal up to a quarter mile to any FM receiver. It’s easy to …
“FM transmitter circuit projects are indeed quite popular among electronics hobbyists / students. But the frustrating part is most transmitters refuses to work at all, and secondly the internet is full of crappy transmitter circuits. Designing a stable FM transmitter circuit …
“This is a, well, tiny FM transmitter that can have various applications both probably legal (pirate radio, your own low-power radio station…) as well as the undoubtedly illegal (FM jammer, spy bug…). The choice is yours! It can run on …
“Any techie or electronics nut who knows his/her stuff is always mesmerized by FM audio transmissions. The way it works and how basic it actually is, is something worthy of applaud. Even though it was initially implemented in 1933 …
“Building an FM Transmitter and broadcasting our own signals on the air is really a fun project to do. Especially, with this circuit since it does not require you to wound your own inductor or use a trimmer and spend …
“This circuit is basically an oscillator which runs at around 100 MHz. The most important parts of the oscillator are the transistor Q1 and the tuned circuit, which comprises the inductor Ll and the variable capacitor CV1. When the battery …
“he following is a simple yet powerful 4W FM transmitter which is tunable to 88-108MHz frequency. Connect to your ipod/computer, etc. When this was first made, I only had a 2N2219A on hand, which resulted in a lower RF …