Content for Robot Arm

Fruit Sorter Robot Using Flexible Gripper

“Hello Everyone, thank you for showing interest in our project. In this project, we are showing a fully automated robot that sorts fruits and vegetables based on their color. The project happened in the context of the Bruface program and …

Robotic Arm With Gripper

“Harvesting lemon trees is considered hard work, due to the big size of trees and also due to the hot climates of the regions where lemon trees are planted. That’s why we need something else to help agricultural workers …

Robotic arm 2 axeled

“Robotic arms are having wide use in industries so I decided to make 1 for me using servo motors and potentiometers. Robotic arms have wide use in industries so, I decided to make 1 using servo motors I have used …

WinchBot v1.5

“5 stepper motors with driver ICs, 3 standard servos and a Raspberry Pi result in a robot arm that can move in a 50x50x50cm box. WinchBot is a robot arm hanging on the ceiling. To make it work you don …

SCARA Robot | How To Build Your Own Arduino Based Robot

“In this tutorial we will learn how to build an Arduino based SCARA Robot. I will show you the entire process of building it, starting from designing robot to developing our own Graphics User Interface for controlling it. Overview The …

Animatronic Tentacle

“A springless animatronic tentacle mechanism that can move in all directions and is strong enough to pick things up. Why because I can. When has a lack of good reasons ever stopped anyone. Also, the original spark for this project …

KAUDA Robotic Arm

“KAUDA is a printable and DIY robotic arm developed with the aim of creating a robot that could cover the functions you want at a low cost, without losing quality and efficiency. Developed by a maker for makers, for those …

3D Printed Arduino Based Robotic Arm

“One year, I received a robotic arm kit for Christmas made out of acrylic parts and controlled with an Arduino. I put it together and uploaded the code to the Arduino board, only to be disappointed with its performance. I …

PYNQ RobotArm

“PYNQ rocks! Using widgets and AsyncIO we can control complex hardware very easily. Let’s use a robot arm to demonstrate. Why PYNQ? One of the first projects we did here on Hackster was to create a bare metal robot …

Recordable Cardboard Robot Arm

“A robotic arm made from easily available materials that can record and replay positions. This is a simple robotic arm that can record and replay positions. It is made from easily available materials, like cardboard and hot glue, which makes …