Content for PCF8574


This 8-bit input/output (I/O) expander for the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C) is designed for 2.5-V to 6-V VCC operation. The PCF8574 device provides general-purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontroller families by way of the I2C interface (serial clock (SCL), serial data (SDA)). The device features an 8-bit quasi-bidirectional I/O port (P0–P7), including latched outputs with high-current drive capability for directly driving LEDs. Each quasi-bidirectional I/O can be used as an input or output without the use of a data-direction control signal. At power on, the I/Os are high. In this mode, only a current source to VCC is active.

Practical Guide to PCF8574: Adding Extra Pins for Arduino

“Add extra 8 pins to Arduino ! Discover an easy way to add more GPIO pins to your Arduino with the PCF8574 in this tutorial. We’ll explore how it can be a handy alternative to other methods like shift registers …

Multi-Purpose IO Card

“When you need a bunch of buttons. encoders and a display when designing your next project, but don’t want the mess of a breadboard. When we are working on a prototype, we always need access to pushbuttons, encoders and …

An I2C Matrix Keypad

“This is part 2 of my “more reliable keypad”. In order to reduce the number of required IO Lines to drive the keypad, use I2C.. n a previous post this month I introduced my 4×4 matrix keypad. That keypad …

ESP32-cam Standalone With Robot Arm

“The ESP32cam is a very nice processor and camera which should be useful in a wide range of robotics projects. But when you look on the web most ESP32cam projects are very similar: “here’s an ESP32cam, let’s connect …

Absolute Position Encoder With Single Track Gray Code

“I made a rotary encoder. Due to its 60 steps (6 degree) resolution it suits to make clocks. There is a very good and detailed description of the single track Gray code here: …

Book Conservation Chamber Using Raspberry Pi

“Hello everyone! For a school project at MCT Howest Kortrijk, I made a Book Conservation Chamber. This is a climate controlled box in which you can store books. The reason why I choose to make this is because a lot …

Making a Prototype With Arduino (TIM-01 EYES)

“I have been designing and building a robot. It got to the stage where it was time to do a head for it, but before I did the head I needed to design some Eyes for it using the Nokia …

Connect LCDs With NodeMCU and Arduino

“Most of our Arduino projects require a way to present us with information about their state, and very often an LED can be enough to indicate if a condition is true or false. But, it is not uncommon that we …

Project  Z80-mbc3


“A 2021 revision of the original MBC design by Fabio Defabis with disk emulation on microSD. Runs CP/M + applications with a VT100 terminal. The Z80-MBC3 is a single board computer available as a kit. It can be assembled …

ESP8266 DCC Controller

“This is a DCC model railroad controller based on the nodeMCU ESP8266 IOT module. It makes use of other modules commonly available on eBay for the Arduino such as a 1602 LCD display, keypad, jogwheel and I2C backpacks. The controller …