Content for nRF24L01



“KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity. All keystrokes are logged online …

Wireless Arduino Motor Driver and Joystick Controller

“Arduino based wireless dual-motor driver board, it has an nRF24L01 transceiver module, dual L293D motor driver and an Arduino Nano V3 I have designed an Arduino based wireless dual-motor driver board, it has an nRF24L01 transceiver module, dual L293D motor …

The Flexible Sensor Hand Controller

“The Flexible Sensor Hand Controller makes it possible to control your projects with your finger movements via wireless communication. The Flexible Sensor Hand Controller The Flexible Sensor Hand Controller makes it possible to control your projects with your finger movements …

How to Make a RC Controller #2

“This project will show you how to create a RC Controller. After making hovercrafts, I decided that I would need a remote control if I wanted to use a home made drone (maybe for a future project). As a consequence …

Long Range Autonomous Boat

“Recently there have been beach restoration projects in our city and instruments were required to measure the depth of the sea floor at various locations. This process turned out to be tedious and expensive due to the labor costs as …

SS4H-RC Transmitter – DIY Project based on STM32

“A radio controller can have a thousand applications. Usually, it’s a control of some vehicle, drone, or robotic manipulator. There are already a lot of DIY solutions on the Internet. However, this controller is different. It’ll be the …

Custom Wireless Keyboard! (Arduino)

“In this project we are going to be making something super useful! It is a wireless keyboard that you can connect to your PC and assign each button any shortcut or key sequence you want! I have made it in …

4-Channel Remote Receiver Using NRF24L01 Radio Module – Arduino Compatible

“Controlling 4 devices using an RF remote is very easy with this project. This is an Arduino compatible project. NRF24L01 module, Atmega328 microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, and few other components are part of the project. Onboard power LED and an …

Wireless Gas Sensor Network Node

“Hi, in this instructable we’ll make wireless sensor network modules (transmitter & receiver) and we’ll be monitoring 7 different MQ series gas sensors’ output (MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-5, MQ-6, MQ-7, MQ-8 and MQ-135 …

Radio Remote Control LED Dimmer Using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible

“This is an easy-to-make LED dimmer using RF remote control. The project is capable of driving a load up to 24W (2A X 12V LED). Any 12V single or 12V LED strip can be used. This is an open-source Arduino …