
“Hi, in this instructable we’ll make wireless sensor network modules (transmitter & receiver) and we’ll be monitoring 7 different MQ series gas sensors’ output (MQ-2, MQ-3, MQ-5, MQ-6, MQ-7, MQ-8 and MQ-135 …

“Smart LPG leak detector device which generates phone alert notification using ESP RainMaker In these hurry days, it does happen that many a times, we miss on many things which can be a major cause of concern for us and …

“Using an IR remote control, display the presence of hazardous gases w/ MQ series sensors and get notified when they reach dangerous levels. For a long time, I wanted to create a unique device to observe the presence of varying …

“This project gives Intruder Alert, Door Open Alert, Gas Leak Alert, Smoke Alert and Fire Alert on Telegram Application. Overview In this project we’ll build a Home Security System using ESP32-CAM Which will notify us on Telegram App …

“Hello friends, I am Anto…While LPG is an essential need of every household, its leakage could lead to a disaster. To alert on LPG leakage and prevent any mis-happening there are various products to detect the leakage. Here we …

“Let’s discover a set of low-cost gas and pollution detectors that may be easily accessed from the Arduino World. Detecting and measuring pollution and the main gases (the ones we may come across in our daily life) is always …

“Build a portable gas monitor to check for dangerous levels of hazardous gases in your home, community, or on the go and prevent your friends from lighting a cigarette during a gasoline fight. Please note that this is solely a …