
“To be honest: If you’re not working, you don’t really need an exact time: it’s about afternoon, I’m hungry, I’m tired, it’s time to go to bed. And in the morning, the alarm clock …

“In most cases, when we talk about a PDU we generally mean a box that can power multiple devices at the same time from a single power source. A sort of “multi-socket” with the only advantage of concentrating the cables …

“An easy way to set a DS3231 RTC module connected to a device with BLE (esp32 perhaps) using an app on an Android phone. Story It can be difficult to set the time and date on a DS3231 RTC there …

“A person with synesthesia may associate certain letters and numbers with certain colors. The principle of an Arduino RTC clock is old and has been described many times. But this display is new. The hours and minutes are shown on …

“Learn how to set up an ESp32 webserver and control LEDs using a web interface. Let’s learn how to build a webserver using an ESP32 and use that to control various peripherals. Instead of using a computer, we will …

“Differential drive robot using ROS2, micro-ROS and ESP32 In this project, we had build a differential drive robot using EPS32 microcontroller. ROS2 humble is used for controlling the robot. Micro-ROS is uses for connecting ESP32 to ROS2 running …

“DIY Thermal Camera: Build your Own Infrared Imaging Device with ESP32 and MLX90640 Sensor Ditch X-ray vision, thermal cameras are the real industrial superheroes! They don’t just see light, they see heat, making them masters of uncovering hidden energy …

“Version 2 of a previously made Thermometer project. Here’s something useful: A DIY thermometer made completely from scratch using a custom PCB and a couple of 3D-printed parts. The DS18B20 temperature sensor probe and the TTGO T-display board form …

“How to realize a pattern lock algorithm as in your smart phone for ili9341 touch screens and Arduino IDE Most people are familiar with pattern lock entries from their smart phone, e.g. for unlocking the phone. Such an unlocking …

“How to make a FREE IoT-based Home Automation with Google Assistant & Alexa using ESP32. (Circuit + Code) In this ESP32 project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Home Automation with Google Assistant & Alexa using ESP32 to control 3 home …