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Sen6-PDU: a Smart Power Distribution Unit

In most cases, when we talk about a PDU we generally mean a box that can power multiple devices at the same time from a single power source. A sort of “multi-socket” with the only advantage of concentrating the cables towards the same source.
This is not the case.
A friend of mine and I were in the need of a programmable system, equipped with at least 12 sockets that can be individually controlled remotely, which can be integrated into the existing Home Automation system (Node Red) with an indication of the total energy drained by the connected devices. The unit will have to manage an existing multimedia installation and other appliances (audio ampifiers, HDMI matrix, TV-SAT decoders, fans, audio player, etc.)
This is how the Sen6-PDU project was born.

- ESP-32
- 3 x 4-channels relay modules
- Power supply
- PZEM-004T
- Step-down regulator
- Nylon Hexagonal Spacers”

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