Content for CD40106


CD40106BMS consists of six Schmitt trigger circuits. Each circuit functions as an inverter with Schmitt trigger action on the input. The trigger switches at different points for positive and negative going signals. The difference between the positive going voltage (VP) and the negative going voltage (VN) is defined as hysteresis voltage (VH)

Home Assistant Deep BLE Relay-Low energy

“BLE relay device for Home Assistant that, for the most of time is in a very low energy state and only a few seconds per minute is awake. The purpose of this project, was to develope a BLE relay device …

Build a Laser Harp From Scratch

“This is actually a really simple circuit, using just one hex-inverter chip and a handful of small, common components. Discover step-by-step how this circuit works by building it on breadboard first with a detailed guide. Finally, build the finished instrument …

Moog Light Synth V2

“This synth is a pulse width modulated oscillator, routed through a light-controlled resonant low pass filter. The “growling” oscillator tonality is supplied via a PWM and an awesome high-resonance low pass filter. The oscillator is controlled via 2 Light dependent …

Parallel Sequencer Synth

“This is a guide for creating a simple sequencer. A sequencer is a device that cyclically produces a series of steps that then drive an oscillator. Each step can be assigned to a different tone and thus create interesting sequences …

Project  CMOS Clock

CMOS Clock

“Introduction I’ve recently become interested in clock projects, and it seemed appropriate to start by building the essential digital clock assembled from logic chips. Although clock projects exactly like this have been around for the best part of 50 …

Arduino Uno DDS Audio Signal Generator

“It is motivated by comments from members AhmedS419 and BeenThereD where we discussed the possibility of creating a stand-alone mode without the need for commands from a USB connected PC and GUI. In this Instructable I have modified the hardware …