Content for Signal Generator

Signal Generator

A signal generator is an electronic device that generates repeating or non-repeating electronic signals in either the analog or the digital domain. These generated signals are used as a stimulus for electronic measurements, typically used in designing, testing, troubleshooting, and repairing electronic or electroacoustic devices, though it often has artistic uses as well. There are many different types of signal generators with different purposes and applications and at varying levels of expense. These types include function generators, RF and microwave signal generators, pitch generators, arbitrary waveform generators, digital pattern generators, and frequency generators. In general, no device is suitable for all possible applications.

Arduino Uno DDS Audio Signal Generator

“It is motivated by comments from members AhmedS419 and BeenThereD where we discussed the possibility of creating a stand-alone mode without the need for commands from a USB connected PC and GUI. In this Instructable I have modified the hardware …

Arduino + AD9850 30MHZ DDS Signal Generator In 12$

“An Precession Signal generator is very easy and affordable make using an arduino and dds synthesizer (ad9850) . Its World’s first smallest portable signal generator build. You can make decent 0 -30 MHZ frequency Signal generator only in 12$ . If …