Content for BMP180

Arduino Barometer

“Using an Arduino UNO and Nano to display Air Pressure on an analogue display using 3 stepper motors Air Pressure in hPa (Hectopascal) is displayed on the large main dial and is updated every 10 minutes. There are 2 secondary …

RPi - IoT Weather Station

“On this tutorial we will get data from several different sensors, sending them to an IoT service, and to a mobile App (Thingsview), where we can log and play with data. We will explore several different communication ways …

Esp32 Air Monitor

“In this tutorial, you will build an air monitor that monitors air temperature, humidity and pressure, all using Blynk, an esp32, a DHT22 and a BMP180. Supplies: esp32 Microcontroller DHT22 BMP180”

Smart and Private Open Source Sensor Station

“The internet is full of tutorials on how to read digital and analog sensors, now it is time to do something useful with this data. Story While working very concentrated on projects (like this one) it happens quite often to …

Simple Mini Logger

“A simple humidity, temperature, and pressure data logger. Components Arduino Pro Mini 5V 16MHz SD card module RTC module with battery RJ11 socket (optional) BMP180 pressure sensor (preferably with a 5V input power option on a breakout board) SHT31-D …

Battery Powered Weather & Air Quality Monitoring Station

“A web-enabled weather station implemented with Netduino 3 WiFi and a BMP180 sensor. Preparations To get familiar with the Netduino 3 WiFicand create a Visual Studio 2015 project, we can follow the instructions from the Netduino’s official Getting Started …

Arduino Barometer

“This is a simple barometer with Arduino. Well i am still a newbie with Arduino and i dont have enough free time to learn the programming properly. I found some sample codes with u8glib library for some sensors. They were …

Hydrosys4 - DIY Automatic irrigation system with APP

“The Hydrosys4 is a hobbyist project based on the raspberry PI3 (but it also works just fine for the RPi0W). I started it because I could not find a proper irrigation system for my balcony and terrace plants, the system …

IoT Weather Station With RPi and ESP8266

“On previous tutorials, we have been playing with NodeMCU, sensors and learning how to capture and log data on ThingSpeak (an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that lets you collect and store sensor data in the cloud and develop IoT …

DIY Weather Station Using DHT11, BMP180, NodeMCU Over Blynk Server

“You would have seen Weather Application right? Like, when you open it you get to know the weather conditions like Temperature, Humidity etc. Those readings are the average value of an a big area, so if you want to know …