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Word Clock is a special type of clock where the current time is highlighted within a set of words that can tell any possible time.

Word Clock is a special type of clock where the current time is highlighted within a set of words that can tell any possible time. There are many projects for making such a clock with microcontrollers, and usually the most difficult part to make is the “display”, which consists of a large number of LEDs, many connections and wires from the LEDs to the controllers, and finally the mechanical performance of the case.

This time I will present you a very simple way to make such an interesting clock, where a ready-made led matrix is used as a display. The code is taken from where you can also download.stl files for 3D printed layout of the letters, as well as parts for the complete case.

( I made this part in a slightly different way, using a 3D printed grid and a paper mask that can be printed on a regular laser printer.

The clock is set automatically on the Internet through an NTP server, and for the rest of the options and settings, is used a nice web interface.

As I mentioned earlier, the clock is really simple to build and consists of a few components:

- ESP8266 microcontroller based module
- 16x16 Addressable led matrix with WS2812B Leds
- Button
- and 10K Pull-up resistor”

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