“A small but effective sensor which can measure temperature and pressure and then mark those readings for weather forecasting.
Today we are going to make a minimal pressure sensor integrated with temperature sensor. This pressure sensor is also able to measure the approx. altitude level. The main idea is to make it simple and to keep the PCB as small as possible. There are many temperature sensors are available in market which offers a lot more precision level, but I choose BMP280 for the project. It is digital pressure and temperature sensor. Which also allows us to for a little bit of whether forecasting. And the size of sensor is very small (2 x 2.2x 0.95 mm), so it can be used in applications like smart watches, mobile phones, GPS, health care devices and other Nano embedded systems.
The BMP280 is an absolute barometric pressure sensor especially designed for mobile applications. The sensor module is housed in an extremely compact 8-pin metal-lid LGA package. As the successor to the widely adopted BMP180, the BMP280 delivers high performance in all applications that require precise pressure measurement. The BMP280 operates at lower noise, supports new filter modes and an SPI interface within a footprint 63% smaller than the BMP180.
Pressure range 300 to 1100 hPa (-500/+9000 meters range from sea level)
Temperature range 40-to-85-degree Celsius
Current consumption is 2.7uA @1Hz
Communication protocols: SPI and I2C
BMP180 and BMP280 are perfectly suitable for applications like floor detection since both sensors feature excellent relative accuracy is ±0.12 hPa, which is equivalent to ±1 m difference in altitude. The very low offset temperature coefficient (TCO) of 1.5 Pa/K translates to a temperature drift of only 12.6 cm/K.”