“It’s quite rare these days to find someone carrying a pocket calculator but school students who are don’t allowed to carry phones may use it, or why don’t they create their own pocket calculator.
In this Instructable, I will show you how I made a pocket calculator using raspberry pi pico and that’s where it gets its name PiCalc.
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- SSD1306 OLED display module 128^64
- 20 X SMD Momentary Switches (6x3.5mm) for Keypad
- Slide Switch for Power On/Off
- Lipo Battery smaller than 30mmx30mmx4mm
- TP4056 Lipo Charge/Protection Circuit
- Some 3D Printed Parts
- Copper Clad + Glossy Paper + Ferric Chloride if you are going to make PCB by yourself”