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Password Vault V3.0

Let me begin this tutorial by reminding you that storing your passwords in an unencrypted form is the same as keeping the key from your house under the mat.
Your house might have the best lock in the world, but what’s the point in it if you keep the key from it in an easily accessible place?
That’s the problem I’m trying to solve by making this device. I’m trying to give you the ability to securely store your passwords, keys, and other important stuff.
This version of the password vault is a device that has the capability to encrypt your passwords, store the encrypted passwords in its built-in memory, hash passwords, and securely send passwords to another device.
In addition to that, you can also set the master password and the initialization vector (increment the key) to prevent an attacker from decrypting your passwords by simply obtaining physical access to your vault.

Supplies for the vault:

- ESP8266 x1
- 1.77 Inch TFT LCD with ST7735 x1
- Arduino Nano/Uno/Compatible board x1
- PS/2 Keyboard x1
- PS/2 Port x1
- 580 ohm resistor x1

Supplies for the receiver:

- ESP32 x1
- 16x2 or 24x2 LCD Display x1
- I2C LCD Adapter x1
- 4x4 Keypad x1
- Piece of paper with the letter E x1
- Piece of paper with the letter F x1”

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