“This is my first version of a smart-glasses multimeter. Is not the most unique and best look design, but this is yet a first version. I’m pretty sure I will improve it in the future. Anyway, inside the 3D printed case, we have a custom-made PCB that I will show you later, a Bluetooth module, a small LiPo battery and a very small OLED display. The difficult part was to get the text from the OLED display to focus near the eye, and for that the solution was to place the screen at the far back of the case, then use a lens to make the text bigger and then project it towards the eye. So, I will show you the PCB that I’ve made, the problems I had, show you what components we need and how to solder each one and in which order, then we make some tests and show you some results. This project is made to work together with an old project of the Arduino multimeter. If you remember, that project had a Bluetooth output, so all I need to do is to send the Bluetooth data from that multimeter to my glasses and show the value on the tiny OLED screen. I’ve used a small MSOFET connected to the Bluetooth module, so we could turn the module on and off whenever we want.
Ok, let me show you the parts we need. You will need the PCB, of course, the HC06 Bluetooth module in the SMD version, the small OLED display of 0.46”, a small LiPo battery of 100mAh and for the charging circuit, you can take all the components ouf of a TP4056 module. The ICs, the resistos and capacitors and even the USB connector could be used from a module if you don’t want to buy all the components separately. Then, for the ATmega328 module, you could take it out from an Arduino NANO clone, in that way you make sure it works and t has a bootloader. Make sure the Arduino clonse is using a QFN package for the ATMega chip. In the same way, you could also desolder the CH340 IC from the back and solder it to you PCB. Together with these components you will need my design of the case so downlaod it and print it out with PLA material. You will also nee some sort of mirror and a plastic fresnell lens. You can buy those for cheap from the internet. All links are below in the part list. So, this is all we need. I’ve took the small ressitors, the capacitors and the 16Mhz crystal from the Arduino clone. If you want, you can buy all those separately from the links below.”