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All In One Arduino PCB Board Design

A single Arduino board is used to connect different loads at a time for different purposes.

The All in one Arduino board is designed to provide the facility to the users of doing multiple projects at a time with efficiency. Those who are doing projects on Arduino can understand the need for this board. If u try to connect multiple components to the Arduino it will not work efficiently with all components at a time with either 5V or 9V regulator, you have to do it turn by turn otherwise you will not get accurate results. While with this Arduino board a user can easily connect more than 2 or 3 loads or components at a time, for instance, multiple stepper motors, multiple fans or bulbs, etc.

It provides a wide range of voltages from 5V to 24V for different purposes. It has a header and connection terminal to connect the wires in order to avoid the mess. It can work with Arduino Nano. The benefit of using this board is that a user can connect:

1x2 DC motors from 9V to 24V
1x2 Servo motors from 5V to 9V
1x2 Stepper motors
1x2 Potentiometer
1x1 Serial device that could be any Bluetooth or Communication module, RX and TX device
1x1 I2C device that could be SCL, SDA Device, the display module”

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