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A Tiny Compass With  ATtiny85

This is our first project with ATtiny85; a simple pocket digital compass (in collaboration with J. Arturo Espejel Báez).

ATtiny85 is a high performance and low power microcontroller. It has 8 Kbytes of programmable flash memory. Due to this, the challenge in this project was to reduce the size of the program, since the circuit is very simple, thanks to the I2C protocol.

For the Compass:

HMC5883L Magnetometer
SSD1306 I2c 0.96” 128x64 OLED Display
Self-locking square button switch
3.7V 300mAh Lipo Li-polymer Battery
3D printed case (2 parts, please find the STL links)
For the Charger:

Two pieces of PCB; 17x10mm and 13x18mm
3D printed case (2 parts, please find the STL links)
Micro USB 5V 1A TP4056 Lithium battery charger module”

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