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JTAG Debugging the ESP32 with FT2232 and OpenOCD

In “Eclipse JTAG Debugging the ESP32 with a SEGGER J-Link” I used a SEGGER J-Link to debug an ESP32 device with JTAG. I looked at using one of the FTDI FT2232HL development boards which are supported by OpenOCD. The FT2232HL is dual high-speed USB to UART/FIFO device, and similar FTDI devices are used on many boards as UART to USB converters. With OpenOCD these devices can be turned into inexpensive JTAG debug probes. This article shows how to use a $10 FTDI board as JTAG interface to program and debug the Espressif ESP32.

We are using the TTGO ESP32 module (Espressif Pico D4) Wi-Fi module on the lab robot. On that robot the NXP K22FX512 is using the ESP32 as Wi-Fi gateway (see “Programming the ESP32 with an ARM Cortex-M USB CDC Gateway“).”

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