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Project: ILC1-1/8L Clock

This project was undertaken to make use of the ILC1-1/8L VFD tubes, otherwise the project uses standard components and provides the display with time, date, Chimes, pressure, humidity, temperature centigrade, and Fahrenheit. Using the multiplex method to attach each tube in series with the separated 24V supply lines attached to the IC Chip, and the 3.5V heater supply line is attached in series with each tube.
1. Arduino Mega
2. 4X4 Keypad
3. Single Pole Switch
4. BME280 Sensor
5. Light Detecting Resistor
6. 22 ohm resistor (In series with Light Detecting Resistor)
7. MAX6921AWI IC Chip
8. DC Step Up booster 12V 24V
9. DC Step Down converter 12V 5V
10. DC Step Down converter 12V 3.5V
11. 16 X 2 line LCD Screen with I2C communications
12. MP3-TF-16P mini player
13. 4 ohm / 5w Speaker
14. 22 ohm resistor (In series with Speaker)
15. RTC Clock DS3231
16. LED Red Light
17. 330 ohm resistor (In series of LED Red)
18. 1K ohm resistor (In series with TX mini player)
19. 12V 1Amp power adapter
20. MP3-TF-16P mini MP3 player
21. Acrylic Glass
22. Mahogany board”

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