“Monitor the phase shift between current and voltage to stop a pump when there is not enough water.
For pool filtering. Monitor the phase shift between current and voltage to stop a pump when there is not enough water. In addition to a programming of schedules and durations of filtarge associated with a sensor of the temperature of the water. Control all via Bluetooth on Android. Ensuring the longevity of the relay and the pump.
The filtration pump of a swimming pool does not support running on empty (that is to say without water). It’s the same for a water pump. To solve this problem several solutions exist:
• An automatic water level device of the pool is responsible for ensuring that the level of water in the pool is always sufficient.
• A device monitors the level of water in the pool and prohibits the use of the pump when this level is insufficient and the pump may run empty
• A device monitors the phase shift (see fig 1,2 & 3) between the current and the voltage supplying the pump. When this phase shift is too large, it means that the pump is running empty. It must then be powered off.”