“I have done several pen and laser machines lately, so I decided to create a custom PCB for Grbl_ESP32 for these types of machines. This is a small (70mm x 60mm) PCB with all the features a pen plotter or laser cutter/engraver would need.
These typically use stepper motors for the X and Y axes. On pen plotters, the Z axis is controlled by a servo or solenoid. On lasers you need an accurate PWM for laser power control.
Here are the features of the PCB assembly
(2) Stepper Motor Driver Sockets for standard stepper driver modules.
(1) Hobby Servo Connector.
(1) High Current (10A max) Output Control. This can be used for a solenoid, fans, etc.
(2) limit/Home Switch Connectors.
Laser Power PWM connector
Removable Micro SD card. Upload files via Wifi to reliably run off-line.
5V 3A Step Down Power Supply
Standard DC Barrel Connector for power input. (9-28 VDC)
Power Output Connection for laser module.”