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While growing up in the 80s, I occasionally envied the cool, skater punk kids in their military surplus jackets, covered in safety-pins and angst-ridden, handmade patches. Now that I have reached an age where I’m expected to focus on the practical things in life, I’ve been itching to combine my love for wearable tech with a little nostalgia. Plus, a college student recently told me that DIY patches were sort of a “thing” again, which got me wondering. Could I create a TARDIS patch and then light it up, Doctor Who style?
In this Instructable, I will show you a method for making your own light-up TARDIS patch jacket, by re-programming a LilyTiny or LilyTwinkle microcontroller (or other Arduino-based microcontroller), and adding in a few Adafruit NeoPixels. To see the jacket in action, you might want to view the video at the top.
In the process of creating an inspiring wearable, you might even rekindle your youth.”

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