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I have a problem friends.

My shop (A.K.A. my half of the two car garage), is a disaster. I desperately need more storage and organization. My husband is a maker too (cars, not wood) and we are just running out of room! I’ve been dying for a mobile workbench that I can assemble my furniture on but I had no idea where I would store it. I started brainstorming and decided I could create a folding or collapsible workbench that could be stashed out of the way when not in use.

I asked for suggestions on my Instagram stories, and I had some awesome advice! A new friend of mine directed me to the folding table base from an old issue of Popular Woodworking (check it out here). I based my plans on that design but encountered some problems. I made some much needed modifications and I’m really happy with how it turned out. “

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