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Idea: Colyne, our 5 year old daughter, is a fan of the TV game show “The Wall” on NBC (TF1 in France), so for her birthday I decided to build a miniature table version.
Made of wood, the game consists of a tray with 200 nails where the balls pass. A LED matrix display shows the different steps and points. The system is controlled by an Arduino Nano and powered by a USB (5V).
In this Instructable, you will find the plans, Arduino code, schema, background image …

at the start, we choise the number of players (1 to 9), the game takes place in 7 rounds, In each round, players receive between 1 and 3 balls (automatic distribution) and the LEDs light up in green or red, the player places the ball (s) in the desired position (1 to 7 at the top) and activates the start (by lowering the blue lever on the right or left side) the balls fall and the score is counted (in + if green and - if red) and displayed on the screen - At the end of the 7 rounds, the winner is displayed along with all scoresTime spent: 50H (+ almost as much for study and programming)Cost: about 60 Tools used: Circular saw, mini saw, drill, screwdriver, ripper, glue gun, hand tools …”

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