“This instructable is for ARMTRONIX WIFI Two Triac Dimmer Board V0.1
Armtronix Wifi two triac dimmer is an IOT board. It is designed for home automation. The features of the board are:
Wireless control Small form factor On board AC to DC power supp1y 230VAC to 5V DC. DC virtual switch Two channels(one for on and off another for dimming)The size of the board is 84mmX39mm and with box size 114 mmX44mm, as shown in diagram1, it has a capacity to drive upto 1 Amp load. The board has a Wifi module(Esp 12F) and microcontroller (atmega328p) same as that used in Arduino Uno , which is used to control the triac through HTTP or MQTT mode . The board has two DC virtual switches which can be used to control the two Triacs.
The board also has a Power module (AC to DC converter) capable of handling 100-240 VAC as input and gives an output of 5V 0.6A. There are two triac( BT136) and Terminal connector. There is Zero cross detection also available which is used for dimmig. There are two triac used one for dimming and another for on /off purpose.”