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Open-source, easy to build IoT dosimeter with sensors and internet connectivity to centralize data. Intended as open source for those who want to build their own dosimeter with their own tools, this is an IOT device that can take several sensors and have the data centralized online. The readings are accessible via a RESTful API, or by connecting directly to the KIT1 unit, in the local LAN. This is useful when you want to monitor several locations, and plot charts or analyze the data. By default it comes with a SBM20 tube to measure gamma radiation and has an extension slot (v1.2.105) to add additional sensors. The code on GitHub offers support for the Bosch BME280 sensor by default. With the integrated Ethernet connectivity to send all measurements automatically via the Internet, to the uRADMonitor server, or to any backend you want. Add a battery and it can also be used as a portable dosimeter, showing all measurements on the LCD.”

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