“This tutorial is for building an ionizing radiation detector with Arduino! Hello! I decided to build this project because ionizing radiation can be dangerous, and it is very hard to know if it’s there. I am hoping this project …
“Since the war in Ukraine, the discussion about nuclear weapons raised and people got into thinking about radioactive exposure again. While there is no real fear, there is still some awareness and interest in the normal radiation levels you have …
“A true random number generator using cosmic background radiation. This is randomness at your fingertips put together in a sculpture. To throw the dice a total of eight particles from the Big Bang needs to pass through the old Soviet …
“Here is, to my knowledge, the simplest functioning Geiger counter that you can build. This one uses a Russian-made SMB-20 Geiger tube, driven by a high-voltage step-up circuit robbed from an electronic fly swatter. It detects beta particles and …
“The Chernobyl Dice is a quantum random number generator [0] that uses nuclear decays from a weakly radioactive sample as a source of entropy. It consists of four primary components: - An Arduino Nano microcontroller - A Geiger counter - Six uranium glass …
“In one of our previous tutorials, we examined the development of a DIY-Geiger Counter showing the efforts of “Instructable” user Prabhat who combined the ESP8266 with a touch screen display to create a truly intuitive version of his Geiger …
“VERSION 1.1 This project provides a very affordable (25) IoT for Radioactivity long term monitoring using the MQTT transmission protocol widely use in IoT environment. It can be integrated into Home automation applications or Node-RED environments. C-GM …
“cVert is the result of an idea I’ve been kicking around for years, and took a few months of work to bring to fruition. The idea was to use a Geiger counter as a true random number generator to …
“The W-GM Counter based on an ESP32 chipset (Heltec WIFI kit-32 with OLED) is a fork of the Ethernet C-GM Counter and costs (27$/22) about half price of the C-GM Counter. This D.I.Y low …
“The PiGI is built as a ready-to-go drop-in module for the Raspberry Pi to transform it into a versatile geiger counter to measure/monitor radioactivity. It will generate the required high voltage the counting tubes need to operate and it …