
“You can turn an old Guitar Hero accessory into a USB MIDI controller for your synthesizer! Wii accessories use I2C to send all of their data, so we’ll couple the Guitar Hero controller with a STEMMA QT Nunchuck Breakout …

“The aim is to create a fully functioning USB HOTAS* joystick from low cost electronics parts. I bought Elite Dangerous when it was released for the Mac and realised very quickly I was going to have the floor wiped with …

“I always liked the design of the Wii’s Nunchuck controller. But normally you can only use them if they’re physically wired to another device called the Wii Remote. However, with some hardware and software tinkering and time, it …

“Robotic arms are awesome! Factories all over the world have them, where they paint, solder and carry stuff with precision. They can also be found in space exploration, subsea remote operated vehicles, and even in medical applications! And now you …

“Your Arduino Balancing Robot (YABR) is a self-balancing robot that you can build yourself as a school project or as a fun project with your kids. It might look simple but there is a lot that you can learn from …

“I modified the Neopixel LED Eyeball to be controlled by the Nintendo Wii Nunchuck Controller.”

“Hi, my name is Frans and in this instructable I will teach you how to create a bionic arm from scratch! Our goal is to create a stable and reliable arm mainframe that is able to move much like a …

“We’ve all grown up with game pads in our hands, which makes them ideal to combine them with literally any possible application. A great invention of Nintendo is the Nunchuk, a cheap extension for the Wii U remote. As …

“The goal of our project was to bread board an Arduino micro controller to control two servo motors on an “X” and “Y” axis with a joystick. The program and servo’s would then be used to control a wooden …

“Here’s how I built/converted a regular Wii Nunchuck into a Bluetooth Nunchuck Controller for my electric skateboard! If you are not familiar with my series of electric skateboards, I have an excellent set of instructables here, here, and …

“I based my design on the Wii Nunchuk controller for several reasons. First, it’s a versatile, comfortable, well-designed controller; second, it’s cheap and easy to find; and third, its native I2C serial protocol is easy to interface with …