Content for TSOP4838


The TSOP22.., TSOP48.., TSOP24.. and TSOP44.. series are miniaturized IR receiver modules for infrared remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplifier are assembled on lead frame, the epoxy package contains an IR filter. The demodulated output signal can be directly connected to a microprocessor for decoding. The TSOP24.., TSOP44.. series devices are optimized to suppress almost all spurious pulses from Wi-Fi and CFL sources. They may suppress some data signals if continuously transmitted. The TSOP22.., TSOP48.. series devices are provided primarily for compatibility with old AGC2 designs. New designs should prefer the TSOP24.., TSOP44.. series containing the newer AGC4. These components have not been qualified according to automotive specifications.

IR Remote Tester and Decoder

“In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to create a simple InfraRed Receiver / Tester Circuit using TSOP4838 Intro What do you generally do when your remote controls starts playing up? - Do you generally use a multimeter …

TinyDecoder - IR Remote Receiver and NEC Decoder based on ATtiny13A

“ATtiny13A receives IR signal via TSOP4838, decodes the signal (NEC protocol) and displays address and command (hex values) on an SSD1306 128x32 OLED display. The device is powered by a 1220 coin cell battery. Please remember that only the rechargeable …

Project  ESP_8_BIT


“Atari 8 bit computers, NES and SMS game consoles on your TV with nothing more than a ESP32 and a sense of nostalgia Supports NTSC/PAL color composite video output, Bluetooth Classic or IR keyboards and joysticks; just the thing …

IR Control of IKEA FYRTUR Shades

“I finally got my hands on some IKEA FYRTUR motorized shades and wanted to control them using an IR remote. This is a niche application but I thought it might be useful for someone wanting to learn how to use …

Stringent, the $15 Wall Plotter

“High accuracy wall plotting at minimal cost, enrich all the whiteboards around you with surprising artwork! Story Background I don’t quite remember when it started, but I think around 1999 or so. Me and a friend that was into …

Infrared Remote Control Tester Using TSOP4838

“Here’s how to build a simple remote control tester circuit. Just follow the steps below and you’ll make it under 5 Minutes.”

Project  PiClock


“This project started out as a way to waste a Saturday afternoon. I had a Raspberry Pi and an extra monitor and had just taken down an analog clock from my livingroom wall. I was contemplating getting a radio sync …