Content for Rotary Encoder

Time Circuits Timepiece

“A practical-size, Back to the Future themed digital clock mimicking the “Present Time” portion of the DeLorean’s time circuit displays. Back to the Future time circuits are a bit over done around the internet, but my desk could really …

Midbar (ESP8266 Version)

“A while ago, I made the ESP32 version of Midbar which later evolved into a multi-user Cipherbox. While developing the Cipherbox, I realized that even the Lite version of it might be too expensive and too redundant for some people …

Silent Alarm Clock With OLED Display

“Waking up is hard, especially as a college student who barely gets any sleep. For me alarms are absolutely necessary, because left to myself I would sleep over 12 hours before waking up. But I have non-scientifically come to the …

Arduino hearing test device - Audiometer

“An audiometer is a machine used for evaluating hearing acuity. An audiometer is a machine used for evaluating hearing acuity. They usually consist of an embedded hardware unit connected to a pair of headphones and a test subject feedback button …

Cipherbox V3.0

“With the development of cryptanalysis and new hacking techniques, the cost of accessing your data without your authorization continues to decline, making it easier and more attractive for different sides to get it. I’m not going to get into …

Using Rotary Encoders with Arduino interrupts

“Tutorial showing how to use Rotary Encoders and making you realise how different they are from Rotary potentiometers In this video I will show you how to use Rotary Encodedrs with Arduino Interrupts.It is quite fascinating that this component …

DIY Arduino Due TEA5767 FM Radio

“How to make a small FM Radio with oled display which all functions are controlled by a single rotary encoder. Homemade Arduino Due radio with TEA5767 FM module This time I will show you how to make a small FM …

Project  LED Pong

LED Pong

“Pong was the start of a new ear. Though it was not the first video game ever invented, it is certainly the one that is credited with starting the video game craze. Its first appearance at a consumer level was …


“This robot is a true creation of the idea many years ago brought on by Samy Kamkar’s robot that “utilized” his algorithm for cracking combination locks. Samy Kamkar never demonstrated his robot actually performing the algorithm, though he implied …

Arduino Gainclone 2.0

“After running my Arduino controlled Gainclone amp for the last 8 years, the LCD died and I decided that it was time for a revamp. This instructable is based on the original and is designed to be an ‘upgrade’ from …