“With the development of cryptanalysis and new hacking techniques, the cost of accessing your data without your authorization continues to decline, making it easier and more attractive for different sides to get it.
I’m not going to get into details about the motivation of each side and the goals they’re trying to achieve by obtaining your data. Instead, I would like to focus on the solution to that problem.
In my opinion, the only way to keep your data private is to raise the costs of unauthorized access to it as high as possible, ideally higher than any reward that a third side can get by obtaining your data. Doing so puts away the incentives to access your data without your permission.
To raise the cost of unauthorized access to your data, I’ve developed Cipherbox.
The Cipherbox V3.0 is a new version of what I consider to be the “Cryptographic Swiss Army Knife.”
This version of the Cipherbox utilizes six encryption algorithms with the integrity verification feature. Cipherbox is locked with four RFID cards, your username, and your password. Cipherbox allows you to create several accounts on it and use them without interfering with one another.
And unlike the two previous versions, the Cipherbox V3.0 can store your encrypted notes in the cloud!
- ESP32 x1
- Arduino Uno x1
- 2.4 Inch TFT LCD with ILI9341 x1
- Mifare RC522 RFID Reader x1
- RFID cards x4
- EC11 Rotary Encoder x1
- 580 ohm resistor x1
- 4.7k resistors x7
- 22nf capacitors x2
- Buttons x2
- 10µF capacitor x1 *optional”