
“I am a Mechanical Engineer by degree, but I have also developed skills in Electrical Engineering and programming from years of projects involving circuitry and microcontrollers. Since employers will expect that I have skills in Mechanical Engineering due to my …

“Controlling LEDs with regular patterns can get old. Even the best can be predictable and a little boring. But controlling them with an algorithm that can create a more organic feel is way more fun and has a nicer result …

“This is a smartwatch I made using the Adafruit Pro Trinket, and some other parts. If you have any questions, let me know, otherwise lets get started! The materials needed for this are: Adafruit Pro Trinket 3.3V: Pro Trinket …

“Are you fascinated with the passage of time? Do you want a stylish, modern and functional timepiece to add to your clock collection? The word clock is a one-of-a-kind time telling device, using a grid of letters to spell out …

“The CountClock is a special clock that simplifies telling the time. It was designed with a very young audience in mind (children aged 2 to 7 years old), but the resulting clock may be appreciated by people of all ages …

“This article will detail how to build a USB MIDI adapter (one-directional: you connect the adapter with USB cable to your computer, and it receives notes and pedal data from your keyboard’s MIDI OUT and transmits them to your …

“Several years ago, a scammer woke me up at 4 am. Some nonsense about me “owing to the IRS”. A few months later, some clueless telemarketer forgot about the existence of time zones and rang me up at 6 am …

“I probably don’t have to tell you that chasing a laser pointer is something cats love to do. But there are many of us who either don’t have enough time to play with our cats, or maybe we …

“This project uses an RGBW LED ring, a small Arduino-compatible board, and a potentiometer to make a cool and adjustable LED ring light. Depending on your camera, you may need to adjust the size of the filter and LED ring …

Trinket Trinket may be small, but do not be fooled by its size! It’s a tiny microcontroller board, built around the Atmel ATtiny85, a little chip with a lot of power. We wanted to design a microcontroller board that …