Content for LED Strip

3D Printed Chistmas Tree Lamp

“Since Christmas is near, I have taken my DNA Lamp design and turned it into a christmas tree. This was also a nice project to learn my new 3D printer and how to design my own 3D Model. This is …

Pulse Width Modulation and LEDs

“How to use PWM with LEDs - from the basics to advanced intensity and color management This project is basically a tutorial on managing the brightness of an LED and the color of an RGB LED using PWM or pulse width …

Project  Stream Deck

Stream Deck

“This is by far the best way to control your livestreams, any professional streamer uses something like this. This is a so-called STREAM DECK. But this one is homemade and personalized with an Arduino MICRO, a TFT display, push buttons …

Visualizing Sorting Algorithms

“For my workforce development class, I show how a sorting algorithm works using NeoPixels (red larger, blue smaller). A common starting point for learning about algorithms (and their complexity - big O notation) is sorting algorithms. It dawned on my that …

Voice-Activated LED Strip for $10: Pi Pico and Edge Impulse

“Build a voice-activated LED light strip controller on the cheap with Raspberry Pi Pico. LED light strips, sometimes called “Neopixels” in the maker community, are the perfect choice for interior lighting. They’re easy to install, inexpensive, and are completely …

Smart UV Index Display

“Ultraviolet light is invisible to the human eye but has some very important aspects to it. I wanted to create a display that provided a better way to track the UV index throughout the day. Utilizing the Open Weather API …

Custom NanoLeaf Lights! DIY, Wireless, Modular, Arduino, 3D Printed!

“I am very excited to share this project with you because it looks absolutely beautiful and is super easy to make! It’s a NanoLeaf inspired wireless Arduino RGB LED lights project that not only allows you to create any …

Butterfly LED Panel: Smart Light for ESPHome

“I’ve always been a fan of light panels, at least ever since I first saw Nanoleaf’s products. My apartment has slanted walls, and it’s always been an issue to light it properly. Nanoleaf light panels got the …

NodeMCU ESP8266 NeoPixel Control web server

“A simple web server hosted on ESP8266 to control effects of NeoPixel strip, using NodeMCU Lua Firmware. Why ESP8266 + NodeMCU Lua webserver + NeoPixels ? Neopixels are absolutely fun to work with and adding a wifi control to them makes neopixels more …

Electronic Spirit Level

“An electronic spirit level using ‘Motion Gestures’ to get things horizontal OR to the slope of your choice! This project uses an MPU6050 motion sensor to act as a Spirit Level using some RGB LEDs to indicate offset from level …