Content for L293D

DIY Smart Follow Me Drone With Camera (Arduino Based)

“Drones are very popular toys and tools these days. You can find professional and even beginner drones and flying gadgets in the market. I have four drones (quadcopters and hexcopters), because I love everything that flies, but the 200th flight …

The Ultimate Floor Cleaning Robot (v2.0)

“Around 5 years back I made a Floor Cleaning Robot (CleanSweep) from scratch, which was a hit and a lot of people followed the guide and tried making their own robot. But that design actually had some flaws. So last …

HomeMade Arduino Jet Engine

“Have you ever tried to create a real spinning Jet yourself! checkout the detailed making steps in this Hackster post. As usual I made this tutorial to guide you step by step while in case you decided to experience the …

Wireless Arduino Motor Driver and Joystick Controller

“Arduino based wireless dual-motor driver board, it has an nRF24L01 transceiver module, dual L293D motor driver and an Arduino Nano V3 I have designed an Arduino based wireless dual-motor driver board, it has an nRF24L01 transceiver module, dual L293D motor …

4 Wheel Drive Line Follower Robot

“Line follower robot are one of the classic project for a robotic enthusiast with self balancing and obstacle avoidance robots. It helps to get acquainted with IR sensors, motor drivers, conditional statements and PID controllers. So let’s build a …

Motorized Light Bulb Changer

“Do you have hard-to-reach light bulbs? If so, then you are perhaps familiar with a device known as a Light Bulb Changer. It threads on the end of a pole and extends your reach. A problem is one of mechanics …

Elevator with Arduino

“You’ll learn how to create your own elevator with Arduino. Why Develop an Elevator with Arduino? In many places, elevators are used to allow users of a building to move between different floors. Elevators are devices that work with …

Pandacorn Bot

“Hey Everyone how you doin! So recently I made this MICRO FIGHTER BOT which was a small Bluetooth-controlled robot that moves really fast. PANDACORN BOT is a variant of MICRO FIGHTER BOT which has few tweaks like increase length & Height …

The Breadboarded Self Balancing Robot

“Being a Robotics enthusiast I always wanted to build a Self Balancing Robot but never build untill now. Self Balancing Robots are not a new thing to the world, what makes this build different from other Self Balancing Robots is …

Bluetooth control car

“This car control using smartphone I made this car using Arduino UNO, L293D Motor Drive Shield, and Hc-05 Bluetooth module. This car control using a smartphone 📱. This car connects to a smartphone using a Bluetooth module”