Content for FreeRTOS


FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system kernel for embedded devices that has been ported to 35 microcontroller platforms. It is distributed under the MIT License.

ESP32 Blynk FreeRTOS

“Project Smart home using ESP32 and blynk cloud. What is RTOS A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS) for real-time applications that processes data and events that have critically defined time constraints. An RTOS is distinct from …

Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU Vult DSP template with FreeRTOS

“This C++ boilerplate template allows for creating Synthesizers, Effects and other Audio DSP related projects based on the cheap and easily available RP2040 MCU. It targets the “RP2040 Eurorack DSP Demo Board”, which I have made. The DSP board contains …

Build a Rover Combining Azure Sphere Security and FreeRTOS

“Learn how to integrate a real-time FreeRTOS application running a timing-sensitive ultrasonic distance sensor with Azure Sphere security. What you will learn You will learn how to integrate a real-time FreeRTOS application responsible for running a timing-sensitive ultrasonic distance sensor …

Tracealyzer for FreeRTOS on Xilinx Zynq

“A guide on how to debug your Embedded FreeRTOS applications running on an Avnet MiniZed board in an operating system aware way. Introduction When writing embedded software applications on top of an operating system it is often difficult to detect …

Setting Up FreeRTOS From Scratch on STM32F407 Discovery Kit

“Choosing FreeRTOS as a Real-Time Operating System for your embedded project is a great choice. The FreeRTOS is truly free and provides many simple and effective RTOS features. But setting up freeRTOS from scratch might be difficult or I can …

Rust on RTL8710 running FreeRTOS

“I have a drawer of random electronics parts and failed dreams. Amongst this pile is a handful ESP8266 chips. These devices are intended to be used as low-cost WiFi modules which are operated by other microprocessors, and by default you …

5 DOF Robotic Arm Kit With Code

“In this tutorial, we will create a robotic arm that will be controlled by a keyboard. This can be used to demonstrate a cool project to friends or something that can be used as part of a bigger project. The …

Automatic Drink Mixer

“In this tutorial we will attempt to create a system that will integrate electrical hardware, software, and mechanical systems to complete the task of drink mixing automation. The final product is a drink carousel that has the capability of pouring …