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Setting Up FreeRTOS From Scratch on STM32F407 Discovery Kit

Choosing FreeRTOS as a Real-Time Operating System for your embedded project is a great choice. The FreeRTOS is truly free and provides many simple and effective RTOS features. But setting up freeRTOS from scratch might be difficult or I can say a bit confusing as it requires some customization such as adding Microcontroller specific files, setting header file paths, etc. In this Instructable, I will guide you on how to set up FreeRTOS on your STM32F407 Discovery kit in detail using Kiel uVision IDE.

- You can find more about FreeRTOS in
- FreeRTOS download guide RTOS Source Code Download Instructions
- Complete details on STM32F407 Discovery Kit Getting started with STM32F407 Discovery KIt
- Github Repository FreeRTOS on STM32F407 Discovery Kit”

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