Content for BC337

ESP32 WiFi Remote

“Make a WiFi controlled remote using ESP32 and couple of additional components. Complete how-to guide and a detailed walktrough is available at YouTube.”

Roberts RM33 Raspberry Pi Internet Radio (Yet Another)

“Yes, it is another Raspberry Pi internet radio build and not my first one either. I am not sure why this build is still such a popular one, but I do still enjoy it and cannot say this one will …

Project  Plant’m


“As most do, I love having plants around the house. Unfortunately, they almost always end up dying within a couple of weeks. So when at the end of my first year as a student at MCT at Howest I was …

Logging 2 Electricity Smart Meters Using Arduino Nano Every

“This project describes how to log electricity consumption of 2 different consumer circuits by reading the corresponding 2 smart meters (“eHz”=”elektronische Haushaltszähler”) simultaneously to an SD card. It all started wanting to get a better understanding of electricity consumption …

Awesome Analog Synthesizer Using Only Discrete Components

“Analog synthesizers are very cool, but also quite difficult to make. So I wanted to make one as simple as it can get, so its functioning can be easily understandable. For it to work, you need a few basic sub-circuits …


“Measure electrification when you’re petting your cat. Introduction Some cats tend to be so electrostatic, that I often get shocked when petting them. :) I just wanted to create a funny and rather useless tool, that allowed to measure the …

Transformerless Adjustable Joule Thief

“Did you have problems winding the toroidal transformer of a regular joule thief? If so then this instructable is for you! And if not it is also an interesting circuit to see. In this instructable I will show you how …

Raspberry Pi Piezo Beep Music

“Playing beep music on a Raspberry Pi with a very quick and cheap project. Assemble a few components in ten minutes and be making sounds and playing music with the Raspberry Pi.”