
“Wireless communication has become a key feature in our projects nowadays and talking about wireless, the first thing that comes to my mind is Wi-Fi or BT, but handling the Wi-Fi or BT communication protocols is not an easy task …

“AfterI implemented the hardware and software to connect my drone Radio to motors/servos, the next step was to make a good use of the hard work done and build my own RC toy, which is…a Boat! Since I …

“Measure electrification when you’re petting your cat. Introduction Some cats tend to be so electrostatic, that I often get shocked when petting them. :) I just wanted to create a funny and rather useless tool, that allowed to measure the …

“An ATSAMD21 (same as Arduino Zero) handles parallax scrolling, 16-bpp graphics at 40-fps on a 160x128 TFT LCD A poor’s man hand-held console is made using a small Cortex M0+ board (Arduino Zero compatible), some switches, a widespread 1 …