Content for 74LS93


The 74LS93 is a 4-bit binary counter made of two up-counters. The IC consists of a mode-2 up-counter and a mod-8 up counter. Can be combined as mod-8 counter or divide by 2 or divide by 8 applications. It is built using four JK Flip Flops.

7400 Series Discrete Logic Word Clock

“Clocks are a problem for me, I keep designing them but I never seem to finish building my designs. I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because I limit myself to using only TTL logic, or that my …

10 Channel Wi-Fi Switch for Smart Home

“This device can help you automate your home, backyard, or whatever you want. To build this device, you’ll need: ESP8266 x1; 4-stage ripple (binary) counter (I can suggest SN74LS93N) x1; 14-stage ripple counter (CD4020BE is the best choice) x1 …

PICAXE - Programmable Automatic Plant Watering Device

“This project is based on a 20X2 PICAXE Microcontroller. It uses a programmable timing circuit to allow the user to program repeated automatic plant watering cycles by controlling a small electric pump that feeds the plant water with 1/4 …

Build a 4-Bit Binary Counter with 5x7 LED Matrix

“Traditionally, discrete LEDs are used to display digital data from a binary counter. 4-bit binary patterns of 1s and 0s are deciphered manually using a weighted value method to determine the equivalent decimal number generated by the digital counter. I …