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This is a simple beginner Arduino project with a great visual effect, but also a very useful tool when learning to play a musical instrument.

A metronome is a device used in music to help musicians keep a consistent tempo or beat while playing or practicing. It produces a regular, steady sound, typically in the form of clicks or beats per minute (BPM), to aid musicians in maintaining the desired rhythm.

Metronomes come in various forms, including mechanical metronomes, electronic metronomes, and digital metronome apps.

The device presented in this video is actually a digital metronome that contains an array of LEDs that simulate the movement of a weighted pendulum.

The movement of the weight on the vertical rod has been replaced by a slide potentiometer, and the current beats per minute is displayed on a small OLED screen. The LEDs and the potentiometer are placed in such a way that the device looks very much like an original mechanical metronome.

Otherwise, the device is very simple to make, and consists of several components

- Arduino Nano Microcontroller
- 8 LEDs
- Slide potentiometer with a value of 10 to 100 kilohms
- two active buzzers
- SSD1306 OLED display
- and a 470 Ohm resistor”

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