“This is a very simple, visually effective, but also very useful device that accurately displays the three basic meteorological parameters.
So far I have made several weather stations that display local values as well as internet data, which you can view on my playlist.
This time I will present you a way of making a very interesting desktop weather station that displays the values of the three basic weather parameters, Atmospheric Pressure, Air Humidity, and Temperature on three separate Oled Displays. The idea is to resemble a classic retro weather station that has three separate instruments, one for each parameter.
As for the way of making, this device is extremely simple and suitable for beginners.
The device consists of several components:
- On the back there is a power input connector, a switch as well as a BME280 sensor module
- Arduino Nano Microcontroller
- Three SSD1306 OLED displays with I2C communication
- and TCA9548a multiplexer module”