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Water Leakage Detection System

How to use an Esp32 to detect water leakages, building a prototype, simulating the code on Iot-Lab and interacting with AWS

Today irrigation does often not keep into account possible water leaks from watering pipes. This superficial management is leading to a huge waste of water, which is one of main causes of drought.

Our proposed solution consists of an interface through which it is possible to monitor the irrigation system. The user can know if a leakage is detected and where it is located, as well as the flow of water at the source site. Another available information is the past water usage schedule, with the relative periodical measurements of water flows.

Our system allows to do the following tasks:

Leakages detection, quantification and localization
Water usage monitoring
We have created three subtopic, you can see all this work in Design and Evaluation in the relative GitHub page:


- build the physical prototype, solving the technical problems
- create different algorithms to synchronize the nodes
- connect prototype and AWS with MQTT
- take data to choose the best algorithm
- take data to set a correct threshold

Simulation in IoT-Lab:

- build the infrastructure of the simulation, solving the technical problems
- send data between nodes with lora-semtech
- create a sample generator function to simulate water flow rates and leakages
- take data of the energy consumption

Connection of IoT-Lab and AWS:

- create a node that send data to TTN using the sample generator function
- integrate TTN and AWS
- create the rules, the dynamoDB and the lambda functions to work with the data
- create the website page with Amplify

There are also some video on YouTube that explain the project:

- Project Presentation
- Prototype
- Simulation”

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