“A cute open hardware device with open source software to store your passwords securely and type them
PasswordVault on Seeed Studio Wio Terminal is designed by Dr. Olav Schettler in Germany, and it’s available on Tindie. If you like the project, welcome to order one for yourself on Tindie. Please do note the following description comes originally on Dr. Olav Schettler’s Tindie page. You can also connect with Dr. Olav on Twitter.
What is it?
PasswordVault is an open-source application written in Arduino C++ that securely stores your passwords and types them into any website or service you use on any tablet or computer. It is developed for the powerful Wio Terminal by Seeed Studio that is completely programmable in Arduino or MicroPython and is a great basis for physical computing or IoT projects.
This application for the Wio Terminal by Seeed Studio reads a list of encrypted passwords from a file “/crypted.txt” on the SD card and displays them on the screen of a Wio Terminal.
Once you have unlocked the software by keying in your master passcode, you can select an entry from the list by filtering and browsing with the 5-way joystick of the Wio Terminal. A password entry is selected by pressing the 5-way joystick.The password is then typed to your computer by emulating a keyboard. This works for Windows, macOS, Linux, RaspberryPi and even on iPads.
You switch between filter and list views by pressing the leftmost button.
For a more detailed account of the PasswordVault’s usage, please check out our wiki.
The passwords are stored encrypted with the XXTEA algorithm. A simple python script is provided to create a file with encrypted passwords.
Why did you make it?
In my family, I am a computer guy. Most people in my extended family can’t be bothered with remembering all those passwords required for the many digital services they now routinely use every day. Either they use a single one for all their services, or just call me on the phone to help them fill in online forms. I tried to convince some of them to use a password manager like KeePass, but installing yet another app seemed to troublesome to most of them. With PasswordVault, I can provide them with a cute device that manages and types their passwords.
What makes it special?
PasswordVault uses powerful, off-the-shelf hardware and is cutely packaged. It has a big screen and is easily usable with the five-way joystick.”