“Practical development of the radar system for detection of objects at short distances and encoding data onto an image using QuickStego tool.
Introduction for the project
Through the practical development of the radar system for detection of objects at short distances, material is shown for connecting the digital development electronic board Arduino Mega 2560 (programmed with integrated development environment Arduino IDE) with a personal computer that uses a program made with Processing software that allows computer to display the view of a particular object that is detected by the radar system for detection of objects at short distances.
The practical development of the radar system for detection of objects at short distances will also show the way of practical connection of all necessary digital electronic components and their programming in order to show the importance of the use of the scientific field of digital electronics and programming in education. process in various other scientific fields and disciplines.
Additionally, MS windows software “Processing” was used to receive the data from the Arduino and to draw the radar image on the personal computer.”