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CO2 Display

As its name suggests, the CO2 Display project is a small CO2 gas sensor to be plugged into USB to easily track indoor and outdoor pollution. The CO2 level is displayed live, but it is possible with the small application provided in the documentation to generate capture samples in image (in png format) and in list file (in csv format). To better interpret the data here is a table of the PPM scale (unit of measurement of CO2).

To make this sensor we opted for the MZ-H19B sensor, relatively inexpensive, compact, reliable in its measurements and with a lifespan of more than 5 years, it seemed to us that this sensor was the most suitable for our use as a portable sensor.

To mount the sensor you will need to purchase the following list of equipment:

- MZ-H19B CO2 sensor
- Arduino Nano microcontroller (with USB cable)
- 7-segment display TM1637
- 10 Prototyping cables female <> female jumpers.
- 40g of PLA for 3D printer
- (Optional) 50x50mm of 3mm plywood.”

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