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The Social Distancing Halloween Candy Robot

If you’re looking for a fun new way to interact with this years Halloween trick-or-treaters and you’re up for the challenge that this project brings, then jump right in and build your own!This social distancing robot will ‘see’ when a trick-or-treater walks up, and dispenses a mini candy bar. The project utilizes an ultrasonic sensor as the robot’s eyes.


5-6 square feet of plywood (1/2” thick is recommended)
Spool of PLA, One or more colors

1 - Arduino pro mini (or nano)
2 - 28byj-48 5v stepper motors with ULN2003 controllers
1 - 28mm Speaker
1 - Audio Amplifier
1 - Ultrasonic Sensor
1 - SD Card Module (micro or regular)
1 - USB power adapter board
1 - Battery Power Supply. At least 4400mah
Various jumper wires to connect everything together


Screw driver
Saw (or CNC)
3D printer
Soldering iron
Wire strippers

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