“Hello everyone. I hope you all are safe and staying healthy. In this instructable I will show you how I made this DC to AC converter that converts 220V DC voltage to 220V AC voltage.The AC voltage generated here is a square wave signal and not a pure sine wave signal. This project is a continuation of my previews project which was designed to convert 12Volts DC to 220V DC. It is highly recommended that you visit my previous project first before continuing ahead i this instructable. The link to my DC to DC converter project is :
This system converts the 220V DC into and Alternating signal of 220Volts at 50 Hertz which the commercial AC supply frequency in most countries. The frequency can be easily adjusted to 60 Hertz if required. For this to happen I have utilized a full H bridge topology using 4 High voltage MOSFETS.
You can run any commercial appliance within a power rating of 150 watts and about 200 watts peak for short duration. I have successfully tested this circuit with Mobile chargers, CFL bulbs, Laptop charger and table fan and all of them work fine with this design. There was no humming sound while operating the fan as well. Due to high efficiency of the DC-DC converter, the no load current consumption of this system is only about 60 milliamps.
The project uses very simple and easy to get components and some of them are even salvaged from old computer power supplies.
So without any further delay, let us get started with the build process!
WARNING: This is a high voltage project and can give you a lethal shock if you are not careful. Only attempt this project if you are well versed with handling high voltage and have experience in making electronic circuits. Do NOT attempt if you do not know what you are doing.
IRF840 N channel MOSFETS - 4
IC SG3525N - 1
IR2104 mosfet driver IC - 2
16 pin IC base(optional) -1
8 pin IC base (optional) - 1
0.1uF ceramic capacitor - 2
10uF electrolytic capacitor - 1
330uF 200 volt electrolytic capacitor - 2 (I salvaged them from a SMPS)
47uF electrolytic capacitor - 2
1N4007 general purpose diode - 2
100K resistor -1
10K resistor - 2
100 ohm resistor -1
10 ohm resistor - 4
100K variable resistor (preset/ trimpot) - 1
Screw terminals - 2
Veroboard or perfboard
Connecting wires
Soldering kit
Oscilloscope (optional but will help to fine tune the frequency)”